hara.lib.jgit is used to as an interface to jgit.
Add to project.clj
[hara/lib.jgit "3.0.2"]
All functions are in the hara.lib.jgit
(use (quote hara.lib.jgit))
To see all commands, there is the :help
(git :help) ;; or (git)
=> [:add :apply :archive :blame :branch :checkout :cherry
:clean :clone :commit :describe :diff :fetch :gc :init
:log :ls :merge :name :notes :pull :push :rebase :reflog
:remote :reset :revert :rm :stash :status :submodule :tag]
To see a command's sub-commands, just
(git :branch)
=> #{:create :delete :rename :list}
The :init
command initialise a directory:
(git :init :directory "/tmp/git-example")
=> "/tmp/git-example/.git"
The :status
command checks the status of our new repository:
(git "/tmp/git-example" :status)
=> {:clean? true
:uncommitted-changes! false}
Having a directory as the first parameter sets the default directory so that next time :status
is called, it doesn't need to be set:
(git :status)
=> {:clean? true
:uncommitted-changes! false}
We can add a file and check for the repository status:
(spit "/tmp/git-example/hello.txt" "hello there")
(git :status)
=> {:clean? false,
:uncommitted-changes! false,
:untracked #{"hello.txt"}}
sets the default directory:
(git :cd "/tmp/git-example")
(git :status)
=> {:clean? false,
:uncommitted-changes! false,
:untracked #{"hello.txt"}}
retruns the current working directory:
(git :pwd)
=> "/tmp/git-example"
Help is avaliable at anytime by using :?
or :help
after the first command:
(git :init :?)
=> {:bare boolean,
:directory java.lang.String,
:git-dir java.lang.String}
Additional parameters may be put in:
(git :init
:bare false
:directory "/tmp/git-example"
:git-dir "/tmp/git-example/.mercurial")
=> "/tmp/git-example/.mercurial"
Let's take a closer look at :status
(git :status :?)
=> {:working-tree-it org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.WorkingTreeIterator,
:progress-monitor org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor,
:ignore-submodules #{"NONE" "UNTRACKED" "DIRTY" "ALL"},
:path [java.lang.String]}
We can decode the representation of the options needed for:
an input of type org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.WorkingTreeIterator
an input of type org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor
an input of the following options #{"NONE" "UNTRACKED" "DIRTY" "ALL"}
, either a single or a vector input of type java.lang.String
Options that :add
take are:
(git :add :?)
=> {:filepattern [java.lang.String]
:update boolean
:working-tree-iterator org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.WorkingTreeIterator}
We can now create three files and calling :add
on hello.txt
(git :init :directory "/tmp/git-example")
(git :cd "/tmp/git-example")
(do (spit "/tmp/git-example/hello.txt" "hello")
(spit "/tmp/git-example/world.txt" "world")
(spit "/tmp/git-example/again.txt" "again"))
(git :add :filepattern ["hello.txt"])
=> {"hello.txt" #{:merged}}
Options that :commit
take are:
(git :commit :?)
=> {:all boolean
:allow-empty boolean
:amend boolean
:author java.lang.String
:committer java.lang.String
:hook-output-stream java.lang.String
:insert-change-id boolean
:message java.lang.String
:no-verify boolean
:only java.lang.String
:reflog-comment java.lang.String}
The revision can now be committed:
(git :commit :message "added hello.txt")
=> {:commit-time 1487219645,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T04:34:05.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added hello.txt",
:name "c115771e38cfd22954cfbc0c1a5c0b7e7890b09f"}
works like the shell git commit
command, such as if the message is neede to be amended:
(git :commit :message "added hello.txt with fix" :amend true)
=> {:commit-time 1487219780,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T04:34:05.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added hello.txt with fix",
:name "fa705232c13d19d3ef4b4b6cfd6993593615a55d"}
(git :log)
=> [{:commit-time 1487219780,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T04:34:05.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added hello.txt with fix",
:name "fa705232c13d19d3ef4b4b6cfd6993593615a55d"}]
removes files from git:
(git :rm :?)
=> {:filepattern [java.lang.String], :cached boolean}
is removed and the revision committed
(git :rm :filepattern ["hello.txt"])
(git :add :filepattern ["again.txt"])
=> {"again.txt" #{:merged}}
(git :commit :message "added again.txt, removed hello.txt")
=> {:commit-time 1487219780,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T04:34:05.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added hello.txt with fix",
:name "fa705232c13d19d3ef4b4b6cfd6993593615a55d"}
and :status
show more information about the revision whilst more changes can be committed
(git :log)
=> [{:commit-time 1487223636,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T05:40:36.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added again.txt, removed hello.txt",
:name "f00dae4b70f00daf90816ece100d49678b0f9271"}
{:commit-time 1487219780,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me",
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T04:34:05.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added hello.txt with fix",
:name "fa705232c13d19d3ef4b4b6cfd6993593615a55d"}]
(git :status)
=> {:untracked ["world.txt"] :clean? false}
(git :add :filepattern ["."])
=> {"again.txt" #{:merged}, "world.txt" #{:merged}}
(git :commit :message "added ALL files" :amend true)
=> {:commit-time 1487224441,
:author-ident {:email-address "z@caudate.me"
:name "Chris Zheng",
:time-zone-offset 660,
:when #inst "2017-02-16T05:52:34.000-00:00"},
:full-message "added ALL files",
:name "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99"}
(git :status)
=> {:clean? true}
When :&
is used in the parameter, the raw result of the commant call is returned instead of being converted into a corresponding map/string:
(git :status :&)
;; => #status{:conflicting []
;; :untracked-folders []
;; :missing []
;; :removed []
;; :clean? true}
(type (git :status :&))
=> org.eclipse.jgit.api.Status
(type (git :log :&))
=> org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk
The subcommands for :branch are:
(git :branch)
=> #{:create :delete :rename :list}
Branches for the repository are shown with the :list
(git :branch :list)
=> [{:name "refs/heads/master",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}]
New branches are be created through the :create
(git :branch :create :name "dev")
=> {:name "refs/heads/dev",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}
(git :branch :list)
=> [{:name "refs/heads/dev",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}
{:name "refs/heads/master",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}]
Branches are renamed through the :rename
(git :branch :rename :?)
=> {:new-name java.lang.String,
:old-name java.lang.String}
(git :branch :rename :new-name "development" :old-name "dev")
=> {:name "refs/heads/development",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}
Branches are deleted through the :delete
(git :branch :delete :?)
=> {:branch-names [java.lang.String]
:force boolean}
(git :branch :delete :branch-names (into-array ["development"]))
=> ["refs/heads/development"]
Branches for the repository can be accessed through :checkout
(git :checkout :?)
=> {:path [java.lang.String],
:start-point java.lang.String,
:create-branch boolean,
:stage #{"BASE" "THEIRS" "OURS"},
:force boolean,
:name java.lang.String,
:paths [java.util.List],
:upstream-mode #{"SET_UPSTREAM" "NOTRACK" "TRACK"},
:all-paths boolean,
:orphan boolean}
(git :branch :create :name "dev")
(git :checkout :name "dev")
=> {:name "refs/heads/dev",
:object-id "02cecb2b8c08c1599ba95c165e08b633698cad99",
:storage "LOOSE",
:peeled? false,
:symbolic? false}